Do you or does someone in your household attend college? Do you need to purchase expensive textbooks semester after semester? Then maybe you should consider renting!
Campus Book Rentals is a site that allows you to rent your textbooks for a fraction of the cost of buying, then return them again at the end of the semester. They have a 30 day return policy in case you have to drop a class, free shipping both ways, and it's even ok to highlight in the book! I wish they'd been around when I was in college.
Campus Book Rentals also donates a portion of their proceeds to Operation Smile, a charity that focuses on funding surgeries to help children with cleft lip and cleft palate. Campus Book Rentals has a goal of helping to fund 1,000 surgeries! That's a lot of kids whose lives would be dramatically improved!
Operation Smile does amazing work for children with cleft lip and cleft palate. Children with this deformity often can't eat properly or speak properly and some who don't receive the surgery will even die. Those who live face a life of shame, ridicule and even isolation. One surgery, however, can change the child's life forever.
Please go here and read some of the incredible patient stories and view the dramatic before and after photos. In as little as 45 minutes these children's lives have been forever changed and they are now able to be more productive members of their communities. They are able to attend school, make friends and speak and eat like normal. These are all things that they would not have been able to afford to do without the help of generous donors.
Want to get involved beyond renting textbooks or donating money? Do you have medical experience, fund-raising expertise or teaching skills? Check out their volunteer page to see how you can do more.
Let's help Campus Book Rentals reach their 1000 surgery goal, and let's help bring a smile to the faces of so many deserving children!
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