We're a little early this month, but since April starts on a Sunday I didn't want us to have to wait for our swap. So here we are again - it's time to swap it to me!!
Last month we swapped material goods. A great way to clean out the things we no longer needed. If you missed that one, don't worry, we'll be doing another "stuff" swap next month - so start working on that post while you do your spring cleaning!
THIS month, however, we're swapping services. What does that include? Pretty much anything non-material that you can do for someone else. Blog sponsor buttons, blog design, photo editing, guest posting, editing a paper for school, helping someone advertise their shop/blog/business, sending a dozen homemade cookies (I guess that one is goods
and services) - whatever online need you have, or service you can provide, you can link it up here.
Here are the rules:
1) Keep it clean and legal, please.
2) Be kind to one another.
3) Write a post about the service(s) you want to offer and/or the services you are looking to receive, and link it up here.
4) Alternatively, list your wants/offers in the comment section.
5) Grab a button and share the swap with others!
That's it! Happy swapping!
<div align="center"><a href="http://babystuffilove.blogspot.com/search/label/Swap%20It%20To%20Me" title="Swap It To Me"><img src="http://i1227.photobucket.com/albums/ee435/mrscat206/Swapittome.jpg" alt="Swap It To Me" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
My swap wants this month:
1) Cover design for a couple facebook pages
2) Help promoting Operation Feed The Lambs
3) Product reviews for my shop
4) Guest posters for the blog
5) I'm always looking to swap buttons for sponsoring
What I can provide:
1) 200x150 button slots on my sidebar
2) Product reviews for your shop
3) Guest post for your blog
4) Simple button design/html
5) Cookies
Let me know if you see something you want, or have something I want, or just want to chat - thanks!